2020 Brand Africa 100: Africa’s Best Brands Highlights

Brand Africa announced the 10th anniversary rankings of Brand Africa 100: Africa’s Best Brands, the pre-eminent survey and ranking of the Top 100 most admired brands in Africa. The rankings were announced in a novel global virtual event that incorporated the market openings of Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria. The rankings can be downloaded here.

American sports and fitness giant, Nike, takes the top spot for the third year in a row. MTN and Dangote are the most admired African brands recalled spontaneously and when prompted, respectively. Nigeria’s GTBank returns to the top spot in financial services and the United Kingdom’s BBC retains its media category ranking as the most admired media brand in separate category sub-surveys of the most admired financial services and media brands in Africa. African brands only occupy 13 of the 100 entries, 7 less from last year.

The Brand Africa 100: Africa’s Best Brands survey is a consumer-led survey which seeks to establish brand preferences across Africa. The survey is conducted among a representative sample of respondents 18 years and older, in 27 countries which collectively represent 50% of the continent, covering all economic regions and accounting for an estimated 80% of the population and the GDP of Africa. The 2020 survey was conducted between February and April 2020 and yielded over 15,000 brand mentions and over 2,000 unique brands.

You can download the report here.


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