Angola’s Cassava Research gets $25 Million boost from World Bank

Angola, even before its civil war began in 1975, has always exported crops such as coffee, maize, cotton, sugar cane, bananas, sisal and cassava. It even increased per capita cassava production from 1961 to 1997 with the civil war ongoing.

Now, with $25 Million funding from the World Bank, According to Moniz Paulo Mutunda, coordinator of the Southern African Productivity Program, the Angolan government is hoping to improve its entire cassava production chain, by constructing infrastructures and laboratories, as well as provide training for technicians who will work in Cassava Research centers in provinces of Malanje, Huambo, Bié, Cuanza Sul, Namibe, Zaire, Luanda and Cabinda.

The aim is to increase cassava production and increase economic outcomes for the rural farmers and families in the regions.

He said this during the presentation of the future Regional Center for Leadership of SADC cassava, which Malanje will host from October.

“The research centre for Malanje will be located in the former forestry estate, and will be used to create conditions for increasing cassava productivity, taking advantage of its agricultural tradition and consequently increasing the income of families,” said Moniz Paulo Mutunda.

Angola already exports its cassava to Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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