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Ethiopia’s Tourism Generates over 3 Billion Dollars

Ethiopia obtained about 3.5 Billion dollars of tourism in the recently completed fiscal year, today reported official sources.

The revenues came from 934,000 visitors who arrived in the country during the indicated period of time, said a statement issued by the Office of Communication Affairs.

For the current fiscal term, the Ministry of Tourism has plans to attract 1.25 million foreigners, by incorporating attractive offers, including tours of the significant places of the national geography at reasonable prices.

The sector created more than 177,000 jobs, although that figure represented a decrease compared with the two previous years, in which almost 300,000 job opportunities were generated.

Although the tourism business improved during the first and second quarters of the fiscal year, which ended on July 8, it decreased in the third quarter due to political instability, the statement said.

According to Gezahegn Abate, communications director of the aforementioned ministerial entity, the lack of sufficient infrastructure and the low provision of services have been the main challenges that have prevented those who arrive to stay longer and spend more money.

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