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Exclusive Interview: Kevin Nolan, Director-International, Djembe Comunications

According to Kevin Nolan, Director-International at Djembe Communications, “changing the African narrative is a collaborative effort.” In this interview with us, he shares Djembe Communications’ role in amplifying this narrative, as well as how they are leveraging innovative local partnerships and client engagement to demonstrate their commitment to the continent.

Djembe Communications – “My Dream” Project
  1. You have previously served as a Director for Djembe Communications in North America, and now you serve as Director – International based in Cape Town, South Africa, what do you have to say about the evolution of Communications and Public Relations in Africa?

  1. What have you observed in terms of Africa’s PR & Communications industry, especially in line with the work that Djembe Communications does in the continent?

  1. In your capacity as Director – International at Djembe Communications, what are the key goals for the African continent that you hope to achieve?

  1. How does this goal tie into the services that you offer your clients?

  1. Speaking about your goal, besides working with your clients, how is Djembe Communications pushing to achieve this goal as an entity by itself? Are there specific endeavours you’d like to highlight?

  1. Speaking of Africa’s unique environment and with so much going on in Africa right now, how do you think the continent can leverage its youth to achieve a peaceful, prosperous and integrated Africa – and what role do PR companies like yours play in this process?

  1. In a recent opinion piece you wrote, you talked about the ‘pitfalls of the Africa rising narrative in communications’, and you propose a country focus approach that highlight the strides of each country rather than a blanket covering for the entire continent that can be quite misleading. What will be a good way to advance this new approach in a world where Africa is still largely wrapped together in so many instances as one single entity?

  1. Finally, do you think that a collective ‘Africa Rising’ narrative might also be responsible for expanding market opportunities across the continent, such that, an innovative business in Nairobi might become more appealing to a customer in Nigeria because the business is captured as an Africa Rising story and not only a Kenya Rising story? Essentially, I’m asking if there any benefits derived from the ‘Africa Rising’ tagline that are worth mentioning and highlighting?
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