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With Journalism, Ginger and More, Local Changemakers in East Africa Improve their Communities

Many Kenyan schools have journalism clubs, but often lack the tools to give students the opportunity to best learn skills in this field. That’s why Zemirah Harrup runs Digital Young Journalists (DYJ) in Kenya—to strengthen journalism clubs and enhance these platforms for youth to express themselves.

DYJ partners with schools to allow students to improve their skills in journalism and public speaking while setting them up for future development of their community.

Another project recognizes that ginger is not only a healing root for the body. In rural Uganda, 15 elderly and single women are farming ginger to heal their financial situations and communities. Alebtong Ginger Farming Project allows a group of survivors of rape, domestic abuse and other social injustices to grow ginger and teach other women how to do the same.

What do both of these projects have in common? They were funded through The Pollination Project’s East African Hub program in which local changemakers find grant applicants in Uganda and Kenya. The team, made up of individuals who are also Pollination Project grantees, reach geographically and technologically marginalized groups with limited English skills who lack internet access and computer skills.

Today we honor our latest East Africa grant recipients improving their communities through journalism, ginger farming and more!

Destiny Shapers CBO is a school in Nairobi, Kenya changing lives of orphans and vulnerable children as well as empowering their parents. The grant will allow them to bring quality mathematics and Technology  to their 150 students.

Mercy Nyambura Kariuki, with the Beyond Vision Self Help Group, is providing water tanks to women-headed households in Nyahururu, Kenya for rainwater harvesting in hopes to alleviate poverty and reduce the incidence of water borne diseases.

Mothers to Lead empowers single mothers through training in entrepreneurial and business skills, including making recycled crafts and organic soap, hair plaiting and tailoring.

Kaka Idd Afrika, Likoni Youth Focus and Maulid Hamisi help youth realize their potential in music as a means for becoming ambassadors of change to the rest of the generation.

EMCLOW (Empowerment And Cultivation Of Women) Project provides counseling for young girls and women, forging paths for women in Kenya to take up leadership positions. They recruit women to carry out advocacy on issues facing them such as high school drop-out rates and early pregnancy and marriage.

The Kabuthi Water Project allows people in Kabuthi, Kenya to gain access to clean, safe water in their homes.

Restoring hope for the Girl Child educates vulnerable girl children in the Kanungu District of Uganda by equipping them with necessary marketable life skills for self-reliance including tailoring, fashion and design.

Matunda Youth With A Vision (MYV) in Matunda, Kenya transforms youth and their communities through sports, talent development, mentorship programs and entrepreneurship training.

AUTHOR: The Pollination Project seeks to unleash GOODNESS and expand COMPASSION all over the world. They make daily seed grants to inspiring social change-makers who are committed to a world that works for all.

The East African Hub’s goal is to reach geographically and technologically marginalized grant applicants (with no internet access, no computer skills and limited English). They look for projects that do not have access to funding from other international foundations. The team establishes culturally-relevant processes and procedures that lead to more long term and overall impact.

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