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Zimbabwean investors eye opportunities in Rwanda’s agric, ICT and energy sectors

A delegation of 35 Zimbabwean business leaders jets into Rwanda tomorrow to explore investment opportunities in various sectors, including ICT, agriculture, manufacturing, real estate, finance and energy, The New Times reports.

Jeff Kamanzi, the director for trade and business development at the Private Sector Federation (PSF), said the investors will head the delegation, which will also be seeking partnerships with local firms as part of efforts geared at boosting trade between Rwanda and Zimbabwe.

They will be led by president of the Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce.

Kamanzi said PSF has already organised a number of business-to-business meetings that feature local and the visiting business leaders. “There’s no partnership between business bodies of the two countries currently, but we hope to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Zimbabwe Chamber of Commerce,” he said.

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