CyberTeq: First Rwandan private cyber-security firm to boost cyber capacity in the region

An employee at CyberTeq. / Sam Ngendahimana

The Government of Rwanda has significantly invested in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure and applications as a cornerstone for national economic growth.

The heavy investments in ICTs are bearing fruit as the rapid development of ICT use continues to promise a positive impact on the nation’s economic growth.

Because many aspects of development in Rwanda currently rely on ICT to function better and deliver services, it is important that trust is built and confidence strengthened among the clientele whose service providers rely on the use of ICT by staving off cyber insecurity.

This is besides protecting national interests and collaborating with other countries to overcome trans-national cyber threats.

The government has therefore come forth to develop policy and cyber-security guidelines, improving institutional and legal frameworks as well as cooperating with other countries, while the private sector has invested in training, infrastructure and technologies to curb the increasing threats of cyber-attacks.

CyberTeq is one such private player with special focus on cyber security as opposed to other technology companies that has entered Rwanda market with the aim of facilitating government efforts to enhance cyber security capabilities to ensure protection of private and public organizations and businesses as well contribute to export cyber security services within the region.

“We were most attracted and inspired by the Rwanda’s aspirations to become a technology hub for Africa. There’s a conducive business environment for investors that you can rarely find in other African countries,” says Michal Suchocki, the Vice President in charge of Sales Solutions and Security at Cyberteq.

Cyberteq is a subsidiary of Cybercom Singapore, an ICT global consulting company working in different countries to enhance organisations and companies’ cyber security.

Suchocki says that cyber threats are globally on the rise, increasingly getting sophisticated and difficult to mitigate. This requires a strong collaboration between the private and public players as well as investment to develop required capabilities.

“A recent WannaCry ransomware attack, a worldwide cyberattack which targeted computers running Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, once again demonstrated how vulnerable institutions are to cyber attacks.

It has been indicated that some of the institutions and business were hit by this attack, proving how no one is immune to cyber threats.

“What is required is to have more players with more experience to complement efforts of the government to prevent and respond to evolving cyber threats,” he noted, adding that the company is bringing their global expertise to Rwanda.

For Kevine Bajeneza, Cyberteq Chief Operating Officer, with the growth of internet, companies are investing more in technologies to digitise services, getting more susceptible to the threats. She says that more investments should be made in protecting their systems to achieve sustainability.

“Unfortunately, there is lack of cyber security visibility among organisations as less attention is given to investments in cybersecurity capabilities while others are making wrong investments in security infrastructure and thus failing to anticipate, detect, respond and contain cyber threats,” she observes.

According to Bajeneza, Cyberteq has already established different innovative approaches and security frameworks that help organisations and businesses build and maintain a consistent and interactive cyber security within organisations.

“The Security Framework allows to assess, reduce vulnerabilities and manage the risk. It helps organisations to prioritize security activities and define proper standards to achieve compliant and secured business,” she explains.

The firm plans to work with different telecom operators, services providers and financial institutions including banks, among others. Company officials also highlight that they want to closely work with the Government to build required cyber security capacity and standards to support and protect organisations, businesses and create awareness.

This post first appeared HERE


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